In partnership with

Our Lady of Lourdes, Bradley Boulevard, Sheepridge, Huddersfield, HD2 1EA

01484 310700

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary Academy

Ofsted an Parent View
Diocese of Leeds

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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"RE is my favourite time because it is calm and sometimes we listen to music."

"I love learning about History as maybe Ancient Civilizations knew more than us!"

"PE is important because it keeps us healthy and in our heads too."

"I love learning about computers at home so Computing is my favourite at school"

"Geography is cool because last year we learned about Mountains and rivers."

"I love Art!"




Curriculum Statement 2023/2024

Whole School Curriculum Map

 Our Curriculum is ambitious and interesting.  We aim to expose children to a wide range of cultural, social and academic experiences which will develop them as learners and as people.  Subject Leads, Class Teachers and Senior Leaders have worked together to plan, implement and evaluate and effective curriculum, which meets the needs of our area, whilst also providing children with an extensive range of diverse experiences.  





Our Curriculum at Our Lady of Lourdes

Below are Foundation Subjects Curriculum Intention Documents which have been carefully created by Subject Leaders over the past year.  They are working documents and Subject Leads work closely with class teachers and the Leadership team to constantly monitor the suitability of these documents.  Furthermore, teachers are encouraged to suggest developments and improvements to Subject Leads to ensure that our curriculum is consistently developing, adapting and progressing to meet the needs of our children.  As working documents, there are areas that are still under development in certain subjects, and as a school we are developing our assessment policy.

As part of our curriculum monitoring, Subject Leads regularly monitor the implementation of our curriculum through pupil meetings, work scrutinies, and discussions with other members of staff.  Where needed, changes are made in documentation. 

The documentation for English, RE and Maths, as core subjects, are done in a different format.


If you have any questions about our curriculum please feel free to contact school.  


Below are our current Curriculum Intention Documents.  These are documents that outline the teaching of all Foundation subjects in school.   Each topic begins in each class with a knowledge organiser, to enable children to see the outline of their learning, and to take ownership of their own progression and the knowledge and skills they are attaining and improving.

It is important to us that these are working documents, which are constantly monitored, evaluated and adapted.  

If you have any questions please feel free to contact school.

 Maths, English and Religious Education work slightly differently and do not have Intent Documents as below. 

We are currently in the process of making ongoing changes to our Science, Geography and History planning to ensure that children are building a greater depth of knowledge and that planning is granular in its detail.  The plans below will therefore be slightly different during the forthcoming year. 

Art Intent Document

Computing Intent Document

DT Intent Document

French Intent Document

Geography Intent Document 

History Intent Document

Music Intent Document

PE Intent Document

Personal Development Intent Document

 Comments from Children

"RE is my favourite time because it is calm and sometimes we listen to music."

"I love learning about History as maybe Ancient Civilizations knew more than us!"

"PE is important because it keeps us healthy and in our heads too."

"I love learning about computers at home so Computing is my favourite at school"

"Geography is cool because last year we learned about Mountains and rivers."

"I love Art!"